Life After Death - Out of Body Experiences

Michael Newton - Past Life Therapy

Dr. Newton tells how his LBL career began and shares his knowledge, experience, insights and stories about our immortal Life Between Lives. This is a 42-minute documentary film involving questions and answers about his discoveries of souls in the afterlife.

Raymond A. Moody - Life After Death

Near Death Experiences Fascinating and eminently readable it is a ground-breaking study of more than 100 people who have experienced clinical `death' and survived. Their extraordinary descriptions of near-death experiences are strikingly similar and so overwhelmingly positive that they can change the way we view life, death and the spiritual hereafter. For all those who have lost a loved one or are simply interested in the phenomenon of death, Life After Life offers insight and firm assurance.

Raymond A. Moody - Through The Tunnel And Beyond

A superb documentary shot around the world at sacred sights, among them Epyhyra, Greece where Dr. Moody visits the Oracle of the Dead. After studying the rituals performed there throughout the ages, Moody replicates the conditions in his own studio. People who have had visitations with departed loved ones tell their stories in intimate detail.


Raymond A. Moody - After Life

This and other questions about the afterlife are scientifically explored through modern research into near-death experiences. Through interviews with noted researchers like best-selling author on the subject RAYMOND MOODY MD. PhD. And JEFFREY LONG MD., and testimonials from people that have had near-death experiences.


Emanuel Swedenborg - Splendors Of The Spirit - Swedenborg's Quest For Insight

The life of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) was steeped simultaneously in the rational world of the physical sciences and a deep Christian faith. He lived during the height of the Enlightenment. 


Paul Perry ponders the question 'what happens when we die?' through a series of interviews with subjects who have had near-death experiences, as well as renowned experts in the field of NDE research.

Spirit Space - A Journey Into Your Consciousness


A Film Documentary for your spiritual awareness. SPIRIT SPACE continues where "What the Bleep Do We Know" and "The Secret" end. In this beautifully produced film we explore the latest developments in Life After Death, Reincarnation, The Spirit World and Quantum Physics in regards to our own consciousness.

Centerpointe Research Institute - HoloSync

One of the most powerful self improvement, brain enhancement & stress-relief tool in the world.

Brain Sync - Advanced Meditation Technology

BRAIN SYNC meditation CDs and guided imagery techniques are proven to significantly improve mental performance. In two decades, nearly 3 million Brain Sync users have experienced the powerful benefits of deep meditation to accelerate healing, learning, recovery and personal growth. Brain Sync brainwave technology blends advanced meditation techniques with harmonically layered binaural beat frequencies. Try this free guided meditation online. It features theta waves, soothing guided meditation music and Kelly Howell, who Body Mind Spirit magazine called “The best voice in guided meditation”.

Hemi-Sync Use with stereo Headphones Only HBrain Sync - Advanced Meditation Technology

Hemi Sync used for Deep Meditation

Hemi-Sync Intro Video

Hemi-Sync's binaural beat CDs can help you experience enhanced mental, physical, and emotional states

Hemi-Sync's binaural beat CDs can help you experience enhanced mental, physical, and emotional states. Our audio guidance CDs help you safely alter your brainwaves with multi-layered patterns of sound frequencies. When you hear these through stereo headphones or speakers, your brain responds by producing a third sound (called a binaural beat) that encourages the desired brainwave activity.


Empower your meditation with real-time feedback on your mind and body with Muse.

Robert Monroe – Reincarnation Video


Robert Monroe's Out-Of-Body Experiences Video

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Monroe achieved worldwide recognition as an explorer of human consciousness and out-of-body experiences. His research, beginning in the 1950s, produced evidence that specific sound patterns have identifiable, beneficial effects on our capabilities. For example, certain combinations of frequencies appeared to enhance alertness; others to induce sleep; and still others to evoke expanded states of consciousness.


Out of Body Experience Documentary - The Phase Video

The essence of the Phase state (lucid dreaming and astral projection) is that a fully conscious person realizes that they are outside their physical body, which they only remember and does not feel in any way. Instead, they find themselves in a space that is just as real in terms of perception and structure, yet in which they experience sensations that are even more intense than those of waking reality. One can also walk, touch, hear, see, eat, experience joy or pain, and much more. In addition, one can now fly, walk through walls, morph into other creatures, and so forth. Compared to this, all other types of entertainment, including computer games and even drugs, look like child’s play. However, one can use this state to achieve various practical goals, and so entertainment becomes self-development. For example, one may obtain information from one’s sub-consciousness, travel, meet with various people (including the deceased), influence the physiology of one’s body, develop creatively and artistically, fulfill desires, as well as master skills and abilities – and all this is only the tip of the iceberg!


Robert Bruce - Astral Projection

New Breakthrough Discoveries In Science And Psychology Help You EFFORTLESSLY Get Out Of Body To Explore The Astral Plane... Anywhere Anytime.


The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation

Out-of-Body Travel Author and Founder of the Out-of-Body Travel Foundation, Marilynn Hughes, explains Out-of-Body Experiences, Astral Travel, Astral Projection, Near Death Experiences, OBE's and Mysticism while also taking you on a tour of the Out-of-Body Travel Foundation!


Stephen Laberge - Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreams are dreams in which you are aware that you are dreaming. Researcher LaBerge discusses techniques for inducing lucid dreams as well as some practical applications. These include anxiety reduction, practicing various skills, creative problem solving and exploring decision scenarios.

Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D., is a research associate at Stanford University's sleep and dream laboratory. He is founder of the Lucidity Institute in Palo Alto, California, and is author of Lucid Dreaming and Exploring the World of Lucid Dreams.


Spirit Science

Spirit Science is a platform for the evolution of consciousness! Weaving science and spirituality together to find the deeper meaning behind the mysteries of life, and change the world in the process!

Itzhak Bentov - From Atom To Cosmos

Itzhak Bentov was a scientist, inventor, and an early pioneer in the research of consciousness. By blending analytical knowledge and intuitive insight, Itzhak Bentov was the first to develop what is now widely accepted today as a holographic model of reality.

Jonathan Goldman - Sacred Sound Healing

JONATHAN GOLDMAN is an International authority on sound healing and a pioneer in the field of harmonics.